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Emotional Intelligence in Challenging Times

1. Being present and aware with your emotions is essential to a healthy mind and body. However, when emotions are controlling your mind, body , behaviours, choices and action, they can and do create destruction in your life. Negative and positive emotions are important for growth. All emotions are teachers. Emotions are signposts, data, indicators asking us to be aware, be present.

2. Be kind to yourself. No matter what is happening in your life, know that you have your own back.

3. Know that you are not your emotions. Commonly we say, ‘I am sad, I am frustrated, I am stressed, I am…’. But we are not our emotions. We are a conscious being experiencing an emotion. Just like a cloud in the sky, we are not the cloud, we’re the sky experiencing the cloud.

‘I am not the clouds, rain, lightening, hailstones or snow.

I am the space in which they occur. From this state of mind and body I am capable of handling any situation.’

4. In between stimulus and response is our power to choose. In that space lies our opportunity for growth and freedom.

5. In order to grow, we all experience fear, all animals have this instinct. Know that courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

6. Speak the truth. Everyone learns and grows from this. The truth sets us free and breaks down barriers.

7. Take full responsibility of your present life situation. Whatever situation we find ourself in, when we take ownership of the situation, the challenge no longer own us, no longer runs us. Rather we own the situation, we take charge, we surrender to what is and move forward without blame or resentment.

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