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I am successful

I am a failure

I am fat

I am skinny

I am depressed

I am broke

I am ……

So, who I am depends on my mood, my job, my relationship, my weight, my dress size, my bank account, my state of mind?

No, that’s not who I am! I am changeless. Who I am, is the abundance that always was, always is and always will be. No matter what’s going on in my life, when I take time out to get silent, to focus on my breath, to move my awareness within, I get to connect with the peace that resides within. I connect to the wisdom that’s always available to me as the observer of my thoughts.

And if I sit long enough in silence, I can begin to connect with the field around me, the expansion of energy that connects me to everyone and everything.

I am abundance

I am loving

I am compassionate

I am forgiving

I am grateful

I am successful

I am wise

I am growing

I am a piece of Universal Consciousness.


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