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4 Steps to Eliminate the Symptoms of Stress

Every Monday I'll be releasing a video on Facebook and on You Tube which focuses on a 4 step method that alleviates stress and anxiety. For almost 2 decades I was living on adrenaline and cortisol (the hormones of stress) and thought it was normal. In desperation and willing to try anything, I learnt traditional meditation and in all honestly, it took months to feel any kind of change.

I appreciate most of us can't wait 'months' even days to alleviate stress, to find peace, to have some sort of relief from our own relentless mind. So I started developing a method of meditation that gives us results during the practice.

So if you're suffering from overwhelming thoughts that are driving emotions of fear, anxiety, regret, guilt, then this practice really does work. All those physical symptoms of stomach ache, indigestion, IBS, nausea, immobilising weakness (i speak from experience) can all be alleviated with a solid daily meditation practice.

Our brain, our thinking mind is directly linked to the enteric nervous system of the digestive tract. If the digestive system isn't working efficiently, pretty much everything in the body breaks down from skin allergies through to toxic build up in the joints.

Please join me to experience the inner peace that resides inside each and every one of us. Together, let's access the gap between thoughts, a portal into higher states of consciousness.

PS: This is the practice I still do every day and it actually works.

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